Poem To A Horse

Poem To A Horse
Made by Isa M.

Thursday 9 October 2008

...Forever Autumn...

iasiul poate fi si gri si incolor si insipid..totusi,Copoul e la fel de frumos si pe soare si prin ploaie..stii cum miros frunzele de nuc dupa ploaie?imagineaza-ti...un miros atat de crud..aproape ca iti vine sa crezi ca e primavara...de parca frunzele de nuc nu mor atunci,sau cel putin nu mor la fel ca celelalte..sa sari prin balti si sa te stopesti si sa te uzi la picioare si sa iti inghetze nasul dimineatza cand mergi la cursuri....i guess there is a good part in everything..


Unknown said...

Everything is well in the end... If it’s not well, it’s not the end! ;o)

midori said...

there are bad endings too, you know..:) and they are still endings..death is an end.and i despise it.growing up is an end, the end of innocence, and i find it bad..